You have called yourself a prepper. You have sacrificed, planned and prepared for you and your household for the “Just in case”. Others have told you that if there is ever a SHTF event, they are coming to your house. You know you can’t sustain everyone and you wish you could get your extended family and friends to prepare and help themselves so you won’t have to. But you know this isn’t going to happen. Until then you just pray and pray alone.
And when it happens (not if), whatever it may be, everything will change.
Your door will eventually be knocked on and hopefully it will be those family and friends that didn’t prepare. But it also could be people who have come to take what you have since they have nothing or just have bad intentions. Can you defend your family and supplies alone? In our community you will never be alone.
As a Resident in this new community, you will be surrounded by other like-minded people. People who know the Just in time system is just a ticking time bomb. The system is poisoning us with the chemical filled food, meat and water. Then when you get sick from all the poison, they poison you a little more with all the pharmaceuticals. Then they put you in a hospital where you think you can heal to only be told, you need to pump your body full of medicines that will financially take all your savings you have worked for and slowly kill you with more chemicals. This is the cycle. We are breaking that cycle starting with living a healthy, chemical free, self-sustaining life style.
Your life here would be not only become self-sufficient but to live organically. The community farm animals will be raised on an evolutionary appropriate diet with NO grains and the same will be asked of your privately owned animals on your land so you know how to survive once SHTF. You will be healthier than you ever thought possible…The poison will be gone! Your area of expertise will help supply the community and the other community members, areas of expertise, will help supply you. People will buy things from you with USD as long as the dollar exist. We will use a small part of the “Just in time system” until that system no longer exists then we will equally trade everything so we all can survive the coming great reset.
If you are interested in preparing for what we all know will be coming and also to be surrounded by other self-sufficient, like minded people, then subscribe below to keep updated on how the community is progressing.
Your concern should not be how our current world ends, let it be how your new world and life begins.
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